Lighting the Flame of Compassion
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Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD
The study of the Vedas and the Upanishads has led many seekers and practitioners to profound realizations and experiences. There is one core message that lies at the heart this ancient yogic wisdom: know who you are and rejoice in being what you are.
In this heart-warming and insightful book you will find essential verses from iconic Sanskrit scriptures, including:
- The Katha Upanishad; where Death himself imparts secret teachings of existence
- The Bhagavad Gita; which offers practical information on the nature of the human condition
- The Rig Veda; which reveals the true nature of the all-pervading life force
Each selection includes the original Sanskrit in Devanagari script, transliteration, an original translation in English, and original watercolor illustrations. The translations by Sanskrit scholar Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, and illustrations by Roger Hill capture the true essence of each verse and invite the reader to enjoy deep contemplation of the love, compassion, and wisdom found in these sacred scriptures.
Lighting the Flame of Compassion will help you discover the best within yourself and in humanity, for these verses flow from the heart of those who see no difference between the creator and his creation. Experience the beauty of eternal wisdom in this poetic compilation of ancient texts. Purchase your copy of Lighting the Flame of Compassion today!
About the Author

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link in the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the successor to Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas, and the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute. As the author of numerous books, including his autobiography Touched by Fire: The Ongoing Journey of a Spiritual Seeker, Pandit Tigunait offers practical guidance on applying yogic and tantric wisdom to modern life. For over 40 years he has touched innumerable lives around the world as a teacher, humanitarian, and visionary spiritual leader. You can view more of his teachings online in the library of Himalayan Institute Online.
Product Details
Publisher: Himalayan Institute
Copyright: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-89389-238-8
65 pages
5.5" x 8.5"
Spirituality / Inspiration