Sikh Gurus: Their Lives and Their Teachings
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KS Duggal
The essence of the Sikh tradition—an emphasis on love, service to humanity, and devotion—is beautifully conveyed in this description of the Sikh gurus and their teachings.
While the stories of their lives are told in a simple, straightforward fashion, the author conveys the courage, determination, love, and devotion that their lives represent, and inspires the reader to cultivate these qualities in the pursuit of his or her own spiritual path.
The Sikh gurus embody the ideal of a spiritual life lived in the world, yet above the world—dealing successfully with the events of daily life while maintaining awareness of the one underlying Reality that is the source of all love.
About the Author
KS Duggal began writing while still a student. He is an author of repute in Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi, and English. His works have been translated into many other languages, and are used in literature classes in a large number of colleges and universities throughout the world. His published works include twenty-one collections of short stories, seven novels, seven plays, and two collections of poetry.
Product Details
Publisher: Himalayan Institute
Copyright: 1987, Current printing 2000
ISBN: 978-0-89389-106-0
235 pages
5.5" x 8.5"
Eastern Philosophy / Religion