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Dance of Kundalini (Audio Download)

Regular Price $11.61

Sri Laxmi Narayan Tiwari

In this 7-song digital download collection, renowned master of Indian music Sri Laxmi Narayan Tiwari gives his awe-inspiring musical interpretation of kundalini and the chakras based upon Saundaryalahari. The waves of beauty and bliss heard in this digital download are inspired by the sacred and mystical text by Sri Shankaracharya, and include the following tracks:

1st Chakra: Muladhara
Base or root Support

2nd Chakra: Svadhishthana
Her Own Abode

3rd Chakra: Manipura
The City of Gems

4th Chakra: Anahata
Unstruck Sound

5th Chakra: Vishuddha

6th Chakra: Ajna
Command Center

7th Chakra: Sahasrara
The Thousand-Petaled Lotus

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