Freedom from the Bondage of Karma
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Swami Rama
Karma is the activity of doing and being. It is traditionally symbolized as a rope with strands made of actions, thoughts, desires, and the latent, subconscious tendencies of personality.
The effect of these constituent aspects of karma is to keep the mind in a state of constant agitation and outward-directedness in search of appeasement. The result is enslavement to the many objects, ideas, fantasies, and pleasures which scream for the mind's attention. As long as the mind remains in this scattered and dissipated condition, there can be no hope of freedom from karma.
In the eight lectures included in this volume, Swami Rama offers a series of perspectives on man's most significant responsibility—that of self-understanding. Analyzing the mechanisms of karma and the functioning of mind, Swamiji demonstrates the kind of self-study each student of life must undertake to gain liberation and attain freedom from the bondage of karma.

About the Author
Swami Rama, the founder of the Himalayan Institute, was one of the most remarkable figures of the twentieth century. His teachings, publications, and humanitarian efforts have rippled positive changes around the world, and have brought yoga into the lives of countless people. Swami Rama was born in Northern India in 1925, and was raised from childhood by the Himalayan sage Bengali Baba. Swami Rama later received higher education in both India and Europe. From 1949 to 1952 he held the prestigious position of Shankaracharya in South India. He then returned to his master to receive further training at his cave monastery. In 1969 he came to the United States and established the Himalayan Institute. His best-known work, Living with the Himalayan Masters, reveals the many facets of his wisdom and his embodiment of an ancient Himalayan tradition.
Excerpt from the book
"The Upanishadic teachings are like flowers gathered from the garden of the limitless. The seers, the teachers of the Upanishads, strung a thread through these flowers, so that each teaching became a garland. Today's world is passing through a serious crisis: stress, unhappiness, and diseases are increasing.
Mankind has forgotten the ancient landmark of its noble history. I hope that modern men and women become aware that life has two aspects—within and without. Without constructing this bridge of understanding—between within and without, between ancient and modern—real happiness, peace, and bliss are unattainable."
—Swami Rama
Product Details
Publisher: Himalayan Institute
Copyright: 1977, Current printing 2012
ISBN: 978-089389-031-5
89 pages
5.5" x 8.5"
Spirituality / Eastern Philosophy
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