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Forgiveness: The Path to Happiness

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Sandra Summerfield Kozak, MS

"Do you know how to forgive? Most people don't. Furthermore, they don't even know what the word forgiveness means. Author Sandra Sommerfield Kozak, MS, describes it as "the feeling of peace we experience when we are able to release our attachment to past offenses and rest in full acceptance of the present moment."

Learning to forgive and let go is a necessity in a world where discord and conflict threaten the peaceful, pleasurable state that is our birthright. In this enlightening book, the author approaches the subject of forgiveness from a yogic perspective. She explains what happens when we embrace negative emotions and offers a wealth of techniques that help us practice and perfect the learned process of forgiveness.

"Detaching will make you feel freer, more positive, healthier, and give you more energy for living," she writes. "You can do it. It just takes processing and practice. In time you will be so good at forgiving that you will be able to forgive it all as it happens and live in the experience of abiding happiness. . . . Life is better when we write our hurts in the sand and carve each positive moment in stone."

About the Author

An internationally celebrated teacher and teacher trainer, she has studied and taught psychology, philosophy, and yoga practice for more than thirty years. The author of numerous articles, she is the co-author of Yoga for Your Type: An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice with David Frawley

Product Details

Publisher: Himalayan Institute
Copyright: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-89389-252-4
122 pages
5.5" x 8.5"

Self-Help / Psychology

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