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Sakti Sadhana: Steps to Samadhi

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Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD

The knowledge that enlightens the aspiring student regarding the mystery of life here and hereafter is found in the Tripura Rahasya, one of the most significant scriptures in the tradition of tantra yoga. Its beauty lies in the fact that it expounds the lofty knowledge of inner truth while systematically offering practical instructions on sakti sadhana: the task of awakening the dormant fire within and leading it to higher awareness, or the highest chakra.

Pandit Tigunait’s translation of the Tripura Rahasya is a journey through the states of consciousness encountered on the path to ultimate self-awareness, written in a manner that makes it easily digestible for the Western reader. Sakti Sadhana is one of the most vivid and well written Vedic translations available in modern times, and an essential read for the dedicated spiritual seeker

About the Author

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link to the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the successor to Sri Swami Rama, Himalayan yogic master and the founder of the Himalayan Institute. As a leading voice of and the author of 15 books, Pandit Tigunait offers practical guidance on applying yogic and tantric wisdom to modern life. Over the past 35 years he has touched innumerable lives around the world as a teacher, humanitarian, and visionary spiritual leader. You can view more of his teaching on the Himalayan Institute Wisdom Library.


"... Pandit Tigunait's fresh translation of this extraordinarily inspiring classic places one of the great treasures of the East into Western hands. This text, like the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita, merits the respectful attention of every student of yoga and meditation. I handle my own copy with reverence."

-Linda Johnsen; author of The Living Goddess, Daughters of the Goddess, and Meditation is Boring?

More on Sakti Sadhana

"The Tripura Rahasya is one of the most wonderful and practical of all scriptures and is very helpful to those on the path of self-realization. I am certain that those aspirants who study this scripture in its present translation, with full faith and a tranquil mind, will have a new vision and will become aware of a completely new dimension of life." (Swami Rama)

Product Details

Publisher: Himalayan Institute
Copyright: 1993, Current printing 2008
ISBN: 978-0-89389-140-4
196 pages
5.5" x 8.5"

Spirituality / Eastern Philosophy

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